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Finding Cypherpunk

Cryptography is an interdisciplinary branch of mathematics and computer science, with a long and storied history stretching from Caesar’s ciphers to the codebreakers of World War II. Since the Enlightenment, this ancient discipline has advanced alongside the Industrial Revolution and the progress of the natural sciences, gradually evolving from classical cryptography and giving rise to modern cryptography. Today, without cryptographic safeguards, the trust system of modern society would collapse, leaving individuals powerless. “Modernity” and cryptography reinforce one another: through its close alliance with mathematics and computer science, cryptography has become the bedrock of complex social systems. At the same time, modern cryptography has never abandoned the Enlightenment’s pursuit of human rights—freedom, democracy, property, security, and more.

Yet the production and dissemination of cryptographic knowledge relies on actual people. As hidden protagonists, their stories—alongside cryptography’s—have long been overlooked in mainstream history and memory. In response, Primitives Lane has launched the “Finding Cypherpunk” research project, aiming to unearth the captivating stories behind these pioneers and the ideals they embody, and to document a more humanistic perspective on the history of technology.

Currently, the completed research outcome is The Brief Biography of Auguste Kerckhoffs.

This research project is granted by Primitives Lane.

Feedback is welcome on Github—whether offering corrections or suggestions for the articles, ecommending cryptographers who spark your interest, sharing research materials, or simply commenting on reading impressions.

If you’d like to join the research project or support us in any way, please contact us at

This article explores the life, interests, and professional journey of Auguste Kerckhoffs, a pivotal figure bridging classical and modern cryptography. It also delves into the humanistic roots and sociopolitical context of his work Military Cryptography, as well as its relevance to contemporary cryptographic applications.

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